Go Compare Opera Man — From Annoying To Beloved

Ewen Paterson
3 min readMay 27, 2021


Advert for GoCompare

It seems that comparison websites have really strong marketing departments since this is the second one I’ve covered this year. Go Compare have had an interesting relationship with their ads that I wanted to dive a little into.

The Beginnings

The Original Opera Man Ad

Back in the late 00’s British television was invaded by an Italian Opera Singer trying to get people to visit Go Compare, a price comparison website. The premise of the early ads was that someone would be talking about their car insurance and then boom, he appears and sings about all the money you could save at Go Compare, then people jump into song with him while first person watches on in bemusement. Over time they’d change up the style the songs were sung in or the setting but it always followed a similar format. That was until 2012.

Bye Bye Gio

The beginning of the end for Gio

By 2012 the ads were known for being annoying and repetitive and it is here that things get really interesting. Go Compare decided to play into it. They’d have Gio sing at members of the public only for celebrities to get their own back at him. One notable ad had him getting blown up by a Bazooka .

The Village adverts

All this led to them eventually retiring the character and setting the ads in the Welsh town of LlandofsavingmoneyandgettingtherightdealgogoGoCompare (yes that is exactly what it says). Visitors would come to the town and come back with a better deal on energy, home and car insurance. Over time though these adverts became kind of forgettable and were just lost in the shuffle.

Go Compare man returns

In 2016 we saw the return of the Go Compare man. He gave a big performance singing the classic song and he was back on our screens. Only this time they seemed to have learnt from their past. The ads weren’t annoying and instead focused on Gio being the focal point in recreations of actual claims like a deer running out in the road. It delivered the point and stuck to the brand’s over all look and feel. Then Covid happened and being unable to do as many large scale ads, they focused on blurring the line between Gio and the man that plays him Wynne Evans. Showing us his actual singing skill and him slowly putting on the costume. For the most part that is the direction they’re keeping the ads and it probably will be for the foreseeable.

The Go Compare adverts are an interesting example of the rise, fall and rise again of mascot. It’s clear they’re learnt from past mistakes and are willing to try something new. They, like Compare the Market have fully embraced their mascot and are using it across their branding. It’s a nice success story to see. What do you think of the Go Compare adverts? Let us know in the comment section.

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